Monday, September 1, 2008

A promise...

A promise to him,
Is what it has been?
For love? For lust?
It's too abstract to be seen...

So there she goes living a dream
So blur, so vague it seems...

One day he changes everything,
Promise from him means nothing.
He changed her dreams, her love for him
And throws it all for his whim...

She knows it's not worth to cry,
People change and they too die,
Now she promise herself to do what's best
Forget the past and shall leave the mess...

On the day when she face her fear,
She must make something really clear,
Promise to human is something explicit,
Promise to oneself is something exquisite...

Written by Shai:
Year 2001

Sound of Joo Chiat (Work in progress) Exhibition

a picture with my classmates

looking at the projection

4 pieces of my artwork

Collage- peranakan tile style

The whole lot of them...

sketches of Joo Chiat.

For a Change...


Ramadhan is here again... manage not to sleep, haha... maybe excited to wake up for sahur.... nenek woke up at 4 and so i help her with the things and i finish eating by i slept afterwards and asked him to wake me up when azan arrived, thanks for doing it, appriciate it a lot...but ended sleeping again..haha..only to realise waking up at 6.30...performed my subuh and started reading the holy Qur'an for a while.. then, decide not sleep, realising i've to be in sch by's going to be a long day today...

Joo Chiat Opening Exhibition day today, will update the pics...

I pray to Allah s.w.t to give me strength & forgive my sins...