Saturday, March 14, 2009

Will the real slim shady please stand up!

Things could have been different if u make an effort...I realised where i stand despite the fact that feelings make people go crazy or wild...not me not i..I tend to keep my feelings well under control and not let small little stuff hinder the path call "Friendship"..

I felt my world swirling with a bit of heart ache when i saw things happening and words uttered before my very eyes..I know feelings are solitary emotions, hrmmm..maybe at the corner of my still does exist?...but the friendship and the sisterhood built is just too much to be jeapordized..

You put in a lot of effort, you don't need to throw everything down the drain...i know i handle my maturity very well and that good friends will always be taken good care of..

And like i said...i know where i stand....