Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I felt beaten up, blood oozing out from my nose, my mouth, my ears; left lying motionless. My mind was raped over and over again. The amount of sanity and ideas being tortured out was immensely abusive. I dragged my body from one end to another, running away from the hands that tortured me under the blazing sun. My lips dried, hand full of dust, body full of dirt. I breathe hard, hard enough so that my body receive enough to pump more blood. I was hiding at the end, nursing my wounds with stained dirty cloth, when I saw a soul coming towards me. I knew very well that figure coming wasn't for salvation, but to rape my mind and torture my soul, over and over again.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Im obsessed with WHITE.

Hi everyone. I'm refurbishing and refurnishing my house. Getting new people to rent some of the rooms out. I'm thinking of having a really white living room. Makes everything look posh and fresh. A white on white background. I'm thinking also to renovate the rooms to look like a designer boutique room with a theme. I think that'll be interesting. Any takers?

Some Inspirations:

Monday, January 11, 2010

Just checking my list of wants.

First of all, I really want to get my hands on a pair of Zaha Hadid's Shoe. Knowing that she's my favourite designer of all time, I just got to get one!

Hoping a dream trip to New York won't be just a dream but a REALITY!
Planning in progress...

I want this soon please! Say 3-5 Yrs? Not this know what I mean.

Getting this soon! or a Macbook Pro. Still thinking.

This I can get anytime, but I don't know. I still like Iphone better.

This, Im not sure. Will it collect dust later? Im not so fond like I use to feel of it.

Definitely more of this, can't believe how cheap this is when you have money. So expensive when you earn none!