Monday, September 1, 2008

For a Change...


Ramadhan is here again... manage not to sleep, haha... maybe excited to wake up for sahur.... nenek woke up at 4 and so i help her with the things and i finish eating by i slept afterwards and asked him to wake me up when azan arrived, thanks for doing it, appriciate it a lot...but ended sleeping again..haha..only to realise waking up at 6.30...performed my subuh and started reading the holy Qur'an for a while.. then, decide not sleep, realising i've to be in sch by's going to be a long day today...

Joo Chiat Opening Exhibition day today, will update the pics...

I pray to Allah s.w.t to give me strength & forgive my sins...

1 comment:

Reign Beau said...

Alhamdulillah...yang sudah tu sudah lah ye..bukak lembaran baru..