Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sick & Sicker

Went to school today, feel so sick i couldn't even walk properly...I thought the world was trying to play tricks with my vision...I was having heartburns i thought the sun rays penetrated through my chest...

Arrive at the sch library and listen to a redundant talk by the school librarians...my heart keep on chanting "come on already!".."come on already!"....and the lecture...i feel so shag i just want to go home... and the freaking thing is that i thought i got no class tomorrow but i freaking starting project management! The book is tremendously heavy that i swear u can kill a mocking bird with it... maybe just a mocked up bird...

Pop in a panadol with the extra kick to it... Feel like throwing up the piece of chicken part i ate...

The change is for myself and never for anyone else...I'm not Holy...and can everyone please stop being a pessimist....Damn!

1 comment:

Reign Beau said...

hey babe..u stop taking d supplement that i recommeded to u???...please dont stop eating it...Trust me! just give urself 2-3 weeks...it works..k..take care!