Monday, March 22, 2010

Make it work.

I'm trapped in a stampede of voices inside my head. The box is locked, and I can't seem to find the key to the voices. The voices that escapes me are the ones without soul. Now I'm far away from my throat. My throat seems to be only breathing. And my breath full of gasp. This down only gets lower. My soul not wanting to be disturb only drowns itself in the sea of souless voices. The stampede of voice gave me a choice,
"Make it work, or soon you shall be in destruction."

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I Feel It All

I feel it all, I feel it all
I feel it all, I feel it all
The wings are wide, the wings are wide
Wild card inside, wild card inside

Oh I’ll be the one who'll break my heart
I'll be the one to hold the gun

Can I know more than I knew before
I know more than I knew before
I didn't rest, I didn't stop
Did we fight or did we talk

Oh I’ll be the one who'll break my heart
I'll be the one to hold the gun

Can I love you more
I love you more
I don't know what I knew before
But now I know I want to win the war

No one likes to take a test
Sometimes you know more is less
Put your weight against the door
Kick-drum on the basement floor
Stranded in a fog of words
Loved him like a winter bird
On my head the water pours
Gulf stream through the open door

Fly away, fly away

I feel it all, I feel it all
I feel it all, I feel it all
The wings are wide, the wings are wide
Wild card inside, wild card inside

Oh I’ll be the one who'll break my heart
I'll be the one who'll break my heart
I'll be the one who'll break my heart
I'll end it, though you started it

The truth lies
The truth lied
And lies divide
Lies divide

Friday, March 19, 2010

Next place goes to....TOD'S...


Me likey likey....=)..Hope to get it for myself on my birthday or this coming May..we shall see...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Collar Bone

I need to grow back the things i've lost. I'm always never good for anyone. I wish I could dissapear.


Sick and tired of stupid excuses and bullshits. Can jolly well go suck thumb!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Babies are sick.

Aku mabuk dan pening...
Get well soon honey....=(

Monday, March 8, 2010


Next Stop: Patong Beach, Phuket.

Friday, March 5, 2010

I'm A Thief.

You see I'm a thief, who snatch things with consent,
who break into someone's heart and take only what's given.
I try not to give,Cause I know someday I will leave.
I try not to take, and act all fake.

If you stay, I hope it wont be with dismay,
If you decides to leave someday, I will not stop and say "Don't go away".
Even when you look into my eyes and say you love me,

I know in the end, like others we will never be.

Though I will embrace the love that you've given me,
and not pawn it for anything earth can give me,
I'll say I love you when I mean it,
I'll be there for you in whatever you need.

I'm apologizing first and I'll apologize later,
So you'd be ready and won't get more sadder,
Let's take things slowly,
Cause honey, I'm not leaving that early.

-Shaiy- 05/03/10

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What the hell was I thinking?!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Egotistical notion.

How can I succumb to your expectations all the time? I got my own ego to deal with. You always think you're more superior than me, that's the only reason it went all in different directions. Even as I'm saying this, you'll say it's all bullshit. You have never stop and think on things that I mentioned about, and yeah, you dont like when people tell you what to do, but have you ever think sometimes it's for the betterment of things?

Thank you for what you have given me, but I've given it all up.

Your EGO has departed.